Our Approach

Learn - Connect - Grow

At the core of our approach is the “Learn – Connect – Grow” framework, designed to support participants in our leadership development programs for educators, including system leaders and teacher leaders. This framework seamlessly integrates theory with practical experience, ensuring that learning extends beyond workshops to real-world application in the classroom, across entire schools, or within districts.


We start with Masterclasses, developed in-house with insights from subject-matter experts who bring experience from both the education and corporate sectors. Occasionally, we invite these experts to co-create and co-deliver sessions with us. This approach enables us to expand participants’ knowledge beyond traditional educational contexts, offering them a broader perspective and advanced strategies to enhance their leadership skills.


Following the Masterclasses, participants join Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) to contextualise and apply the strategies they’ve learned. These PLCs are designed to help them develop tailored improvement plans for their specific educational settings — whether in the classroom, across an entire school, or within a district. Participants also benefit from ongoing support from leadership coaches, including one-on-one dialogues. In addition to PLCs, we facilitate collegial discussions and learning circles to foster a dynamic exchange of ideas and best practices.


In the final phase, participants move into the Application stage, where they implement their improvement plans or initiatives aimed at enhancing student outcomes — be it academic, leadership, or engagement. This stage bridges theory and practice as they put their learnings into action, utilising all the tools and knowledge acquired. They are guided by the FACES project management model (Find, Analyze, Curate, Execute, Sustain), which supports them through each step of the implementation process, ensuring effective execution and long-term sustainability of their initiatives.

See Learn - Connect - Grow in Action

Our approach guides the development of every project we work on to ensure an excellent experience for each of our participants and beneficiaries.